Off to PEI!

wpid-20150816_115425.jpgWell I’m on th e train Coboug to Montreal with 2 hour layover, then onto Sa ckville NB where I’ll arrive 28 hrs later. This is the hardest part of the trip. 26 hrs sitting up, but hey it’s cheap! 🙂

On arrival I’ll unpack and reassemble my trike in the station lot. From there it’s a day’s ride to Confederation Bridge where I begin my PEI adventure. The plan is to ride around the whole coast, maybe 1000 kms. (I think I can smell the seafood from here…mmmmmmm)

After that I plan to catch the Woods Island ferry to Pictou NS. From there I’ll ride to Cape Breton highlands and the Cabot Trail.

Well that’s the plan…let’s see how it all unfolds!

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trikebum and gypsy
trikebum and gypsy

Hi, I’m Barry Davidson from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.  I’ve  been touring on my recumbent cargo trike since 2000.

Up till 3 yrs ago my touring was confined to Ontario. In 2013 I rode from   Peterborough ON to Nova Scotia 2800 kms.

In 2014 I packed up the trike and took the train to Halifax where I rebuilt the trike and rode to St John’s NL by way the Avalon Peninsula,  and back to Nova Scotia. 2600 kms cycled.

For 2015 I plan to cycle the perimeter of Prince Edward Island. And if time permits, the western shores of Cape Breton and Lake Bra dor

Prince Edward Island 2015


My tour this year is Prince Edward Island.  I’ll ride around the perimeter of the island,  a distance approximately 1000 kms.

Just bought train passage for first leg of trip. Leaving Cobourg ON August 16th at 10:31 am and change trains at Montreal QC; arriving Sackville NB August 17th at 14:06.

Train date confirmed
Train date confirmed


This is the hardest part of the trip. 24 hrs in economy coach class sitting up all the way. but well worth it. It’s cheap and I can take my 100 lb. oversize trike in checked baggage at no extra charge. Though I need to take it apart and pack in 2 separate boxes.

At Sackville Via station I will re-assemble it  and as the day will be just about done, I’ll find a place to lay my head for the night. In the morning I’ll ride about 67 kms to the Confederation Bridge. Bicycles not allowed on the 27 km span but they have a shuttle service for cyclists and pedestrians.